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Intellectual Property

Managing Intellectual Property In A Knowledge Economy

Securing protection and commercializing IP are key considerations in a knowledge-driven economy. This characterization of our economy embraces knowledge as the driver of productivity and economic growth and is reinforced by the use of information, technology and learning in economic performance....

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S.B. 46 Broadens California’s Current Data Breach Notification Requirements

On January 1, 2014, S.B. 46 became effective, extending California’s data breach notification requirements to a new area: individual online user accounts. Companies should take note of this significant development. It is a substantial enlargement of the notification burdens that many...

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When Fast Is Too Slow: Notification Compliance Following Target’s Data Breach

On December 19, 2013, Target publicly announced that computer hackers had stolen data from as many as 40 million credit and debit cards of shoppers who visited its stores from November 27 to December 15. On that same date, Target also emailed shoppers explaining that it uncovered the...

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