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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Mitigating Employee Fraud – Be Aware Of The Signposts

As the economy continues slowly down the road to recovery, business leaders need to be more aware of the signposts of fraud in their employees. Owners and managers have reduced the recession’s impact on the bottom line by making their organizations run efficiently. They have closely managed...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Insurance Practice Takes A Comprehensive Business-Minded Approach

Editor: You have spent more than 18 of your 22 years of practice working in an in-house role. What prompted you to make the move to Stradley? Reeder: I imagine many in-house attorneys contemplate moving to private practice on a regular basis; and it is something I had often contemplated. Being...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

Second Circuit: D&O Insurance Covers Subpoenas, Special Litigation Committees And Independent Consultants

Policyholders were recently granted a sweeping victory on critical issues of insurance coverage for subpoenas and securities-related costs in the Second Circuit's MBIA Inc. v. Federal Insurance July 1, 2011, opinion. Perhaps most importantly, the court resolved in MBIA's favor the long-...

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