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Board of Directors

Monitoring Cyber Risk and Developing Response Protocols in Advance

MCC: Your practice involves partnering with management, audit executives and board members to manage and monitor enterprise risks. These activities have come into sharp focus given that 2014 was a banner year for security breaches. What is the current mindset within companies regarding...

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Board of Directors

Top 10 Topics for Directors

Top 10 Topics for Directors Strategic Planning Challenges: For the fourth year in a row, strategic planning tops the list. Overseeing the company’s direction is a core board responsibility, often requiring directors to step back and look at the company’s business from the...

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Board of Directors

Identifying Black Swans: The Many Facets of Risk Oversight

MCC: Risk oversight is a key responsibility for corporate boards. What are the major areas of risk? Gleason: It's interesting. When you think about it, everything falls into the risk category. Where we used to have discussions around financial reporting or compensation, the conversation...

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