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E-Discovery: Avoiding The High Costs Of Over-Preservation

Fear of spoliation sanctions results in the harboring of countless electronic files. Lawyers and clients will often opt for the cautious approach of preserving everything, or almost everything, to avoid the risk of discovery sanctions or a spoliation determination. The consequence, however, is...

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Hidden Content In Your Documents: What You Don't Know Can Be Dangerous

Hidden information in documents can pose serious risks in all types of legal proceedings, yet many people are totally unaware of this danger. A potent example of hidden information is document metadata - hidden information contained in Microsoft®Office documents, including Microsoft Word,...

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CaseCentral's Case In Point Cartoon Celebrates Third Anniversary At ACC Annual Meeting

Editor: I understand you have some exciting news to share at the upcoming ACC Annual Meeting. d'Alencon: I am delighted to announce that our weekly eDiscovery industry cartoon, Case in Point, is turning three and will celebrate its third anniversary at the ACC Annual Meeting in Denver!...

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