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UBIC: A Service For Corporate Counsel That Helps Them Cope With Big Data And Other Challenges

Editor: Please describe your role at UBIC. Starrett: As its counsel and chief global risk officer, I pretty much limit my legal role to risk management. I administer that effort as well as maintain contacts with international local counsel to whom we reach out on a periodic basis. Editor:...

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The Evolution Of Data Migration: From An E-Discovery Challenge To A Comprehensive Business Process

In today’s corporate environment, in-house legal teams are rapidly creating and allocating exponential amounts of information. While a fluid exchange of ideas is essential, the records in which those ideas appear are becoming more complex. As organizations routinely share that data with a...

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Proposed Rules Address The Costs And Burdens Of Modern Discovery Practice

Editor: During your term as President of Lawyers for Civil Justice (LCJ), the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules published (on August 15) a proposal to amend the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in order to address the costs and burdens of modern discovery practice (proposed rules). Why was there...

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