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How Much Tech Do I Need to Know?: Ethical obligations have evolved to link the duty of competency with tech expertise

Metadata. MD5 hash. Native format. Disaster recovery tapes. Automatic deletion settings. Structured databases. Big data. Chances are, you did not learn this technological terminology and the implications for discovery in law school. Yet in the ever-evolving digitization of life, ethical obligations...

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Microsoft Office E5 Compliance Center: Changing the in-house discovery toolkit

2015 saw a lot of developments on the eDiscovery front – amended Federal Rules, the Safe Harbor downfall, further crazy acquisition consolidation in the service provider space, and many changes in the technology we rely on. If you are corporate counsel charged with keeping up with all of...

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Companies’ Regulatory Matters Increase Fourfold: Costs, risk, data security top list of concerns for U.S. and European companies

In its annual Litigation and Corporate Compliance Survey, AlixPartners LLP polled general counsel and compliance officers at U.S. and European companies with annual revenue of $250 million or more. Respondents represent a broad array of industries, including financial services, information...

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