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Reduce Over-Preservation: One Of Many Uses Of Technology

Editor: As we enter 2012, what should law firms and corporations be looking out for? Sklar: There are going to be several drivers of both corporate and law firm action, and certainly one of the larger ones – and one which remains a driving issue from 2011 – is the volume of...

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Cloud Computing And Social Media: Electronic Discovery Considerations And Best Practices

Introduction Social media platforms, including applications like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, are immensely popular. According to one source, 75 percent of people aged 18 to 24 have profiles on social networking sites like Facebook, while one-third of people aged 35 to 44, and nearly twenty...

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Reducing Costs And Risks Associated With The Preservation Of Electronically Stored Information Through The Remediation Of Legacy Data

There is no doubt that the costs associated with preserving information that is potentially relevant to litigation or regulatory investigations, particularly in cases where the allegations are vague or where the party making the allegations takes the position the responding party must preserve...

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