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Real Estate

How Tightly Drafted Documents And Effective Use Of E-Discovery Facilitate A Favorable Litigation Outcome

Editor: Tell us about your practice. Lynch: I am a trial attorney with extensive experience in complex, high-stakes litigation including cases involving real estate, securities law, false advertising, antitrust, fraud, white collar criminal defense, internal investigations and other business-...

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Civil Justice

A Defensible, Secure And Fixed-Cost Managed Review Solution

Editor: Please provide a brief review of TechLaw Solutions’ core services and your client base. Thacher: We are a full-service e-discovery hosting and processing company that focuses on managed review and operates under a fixed-price model. As a managed review provider, we organize all...

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Civil Justice

Explaining To Your CEO Why Your Budget Is So High And What You Are Doing About It

Remember that sunny morning when you came back to work after a glorious summer vacation on Nantucket? The gloom first began to gather when your CEO asked you to come to her office. You knew from her grim expression that something bad was about to happen. And it did! She said in a gruff tone,...

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