More Discovery Articles


Coping With E-Discovery: Practical Tips From An Experienced Litigator

Editor: Chris, tell us about your practice. Cox: I’ve been practicing for 22 years and have been a litigator from the beginning. I joined Weil in 1997. I started as an associate, running large-scale document productions long before e-discovery and lived through the transition to...

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Are Courts Beginning To Take Proportionality Seriously In E-Discovery?

Proportionality was expressly enshrined into the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure nearly thirty years ago with the 1983 amendments. Indeed, that principle has always been there. Rule 1 begins with a goal and a promise – the “just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every...

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Corporate Counsel

Addressing The Dark Side Of Big Data: Preservation, Legal Holds And Defensible Disposition After Rambus

If there is one area of agreement between the chief legal officer and the chief information officer, it is that there is a dark side to big data – the immense amount of information that their organization is saving. From the CIO perspective, there are hard costs for storage, personnel and...

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