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Defensible Disposal Of Data: IBM Solution Eliminates Corporate “Junk”

Editor: What are your thoughts about Judge Peck’s remarks at LegalTech 2013? Paknad: He is spot on! Improvements in e-discovery technologies and vendor price reductions aren’t enough to keep pace with the rising volume of data generated and stored in organizations, so it’s...

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Bankruptcy & Restructuring

Forensic Experts Weigh In On Litigation Costs

Editor: Please give us an overview of the financial aspects of litigation. Where can surprise costs arise? Mukamal: The key financial aspects of litigation obviously include legal fees and ancillary costs, such as travel, court reporters and expert witness fees; however, parties often overlook...

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Not Just TAR: Other Analytics Tools Can Help Reduce The Cost Of Document Review

In the era of Big Data, simple legal disputes routinely result in six-figure legal bills, and tens of thousands of dollars are regularly spent on data processing and document review. As a result, both in-house and outside counsel must find more efficient, yet effective and thorough, ways to...

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