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Healthcare | Life Sciences

Buyers And Sellers Beware – Federal And State Antitrust Authorities Heighten Scrutiny Of Healthcare Provider M&A

The pace of consolidation and affiliations among healthcare providers has increased dramatically over the last year and is predicted to continue to increase in 2012. Whether the providers are attempting to increase their size and scope to combat Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rate reductions...

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Private Equity

M&A And Antitrust: Present Challenges And Future Opportunities

Editor: What is the current environment for M&A involving U.S. companies, either as acquirers or as acquisition targets? In what industry sectors do you see the greatest M&A activity? D’Urso: Despite the fact that we are not technically in a recession (two consecutive quarters of...

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Antitrust & Competition

Leveraging An International Platform To Bring Maximum Value To Clients

Editor: As head of Proskauer’s office in Hong Kong, please tell our readers about the Hong Kong office’s key practice areas, the size of your office and the individual practice areas represented in the office. Tal: Our Asia practice is focused on M&A, private equity (both fund...

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