More Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Articles

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

When In Rome (Or Cairo, Or Shanghai, Or Caracas … )

The statistics are telling: the number of international investment arbitrations has doubled in a mere two years;[1] various institutions administering international commercial arbitration have reported similarly robust growth in caseload over the past several years.[2] The steady – and...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Relieving High Costs And Delays In Arbitration – A Roundtable

Editor: Please comment on allegations that the advantages of arbitration are being lost due to rising costs and unwarranted delays. How can these issues be addressed? Dreier: The reputation of arbitration is being besmirched by repeated claims of high costs and unwarranted delays. This is a...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

An International Arbitration Practice That Spans The Globe

Editor: Please tell our readers about your distinguished background and your practice. Ali: I am originally from Bangladesh, grew up in Southeast Asia and North Africa, went to high school in London and then attended college and law school in New York. I come from a family of lawyers, so...

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