Leading Managed Care Organization Navigates the Complex Financial and Operational Challenges of Managed Care Contracting


As a Managed Care Organization, They Needed to Find the Right Contract Management Software

A North American managed care organization (MCO) with more than 300 home health, hospice, and senior living communities needed to transform its decades-old contract management process into a modern and secure contract lifecycle management (CLM) system to keep pace with its growth.


Business Contract Challenges for Managed Care Organizations

The MCO struggled with lengthy contracts, frequent updates, and an inefficient Excel system. Communication was scattered, and contracts were spread across multiple drives. Recognizing the need for streamlined management, they needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of agreements and mitigate risk effectively.

Solution with Contract Logix

How to Navigate Complex Financial and Operational Challenges with Contract Logix

A secure repository manages various contracts and documents, streamlining processes for requesting and approving contracts across departments. It ensures compliance with HIPAA and provides automated workflows for efficient operations. Data-driven insights drive contract performance improvements, reducing missed renewals and expediting execution.


Contract Logix helped the MCO centralize and streamline contract management using platform features and tailored development. By consolidating contracts into a secure, cloud-based platform, they enhanced efficiency, collaboration, and reporting capabilities across departments.

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