Clifford Chance announces Law Firm Anti-Racism Alliance membership

In June 2020, leading international law firm Clifford Chance joined the Law Firm Anti-Racism Alliance (LFAA) as a member firm. Formed with the aim to leverage the resources of the private bar in partnership with legal services organizations to amplify the voices of communities and individuals oppressed by racism, LFAA looks to better use the law as a vehicle for change that benefits communities of color and to promote racial equity in the law. The Firm is proud to take a leadership role on this initiative with New York partner Jeff Berman joining the inaugural Board of Directors to help steer the direction of the LFAA.

The mechanisms of the LFAA are: national collaboration across law firms; development or enhancement of partnerships with legal services organizations and other stakeholders focused on race equity; elevation of the voices of people and communities of color by leveraging the platforms of law firm leaders and law firms; collaborative advocacy; coordinated effort among law firm pro bono professionals and diversity and inclusion professionals; and involvement of corporate in-house legal departments in the LFAA initiatives.

You can access the LFAA Charter here and learn more about Clifford Chance's Ethnic Diversity & Inclusion initiatives here.