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Spotlight On The Audit Committee

Editor: Mr. Backman, you spent your entire career at Weil Gotshal. In this day and age, that is very unusual. Will you tell us about your career? Backman: I was the firm's first summer associate in 1961 after my second year of law school at Harvard. When I joined the firm in 1962 I was its 26th...

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What Independent Directors Need To Know About Intellectual Property - Part II

Part I of this article appears in the April 2004 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. Copyright Law Copyright is the right given to authors to prevent unauthorized copying, reproduction, distribution and display of their work. Copyright covers "works of authorship," including not only...

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What Independent Directors Need To Know About Intellectual Property - Part I

Part II of this article appears in the May 2004 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. "In recent decades . . . the fraction of the total output of our economy that is essentially conceptual rather than physical has been rising. This trend has, of necessity, shifted the emphasis in asset...

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Supreme Court Preview Of Bankruptcy Cases In October 2003 Term

The United States Supreme Court has granted certiorari for six bankruptcy cases during the term that began on October 6, 2003. In contrast, the Court reviewed a total of only three bankruptcy cases during the preceding two terms. The Court's decision in several of the bankruptcy cases on this year'...

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Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP: The Right Thing To Do

Editor: Would each of you provide our readers with something of your background and experience?Dannhauser: I am the Chairman of Weil, Gotshal & Manges, and Larry Perkins is our Diversity Manager. We brought Larry into the firm a number of years ago because we felt, given our commitment to this...

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Issues & Overview Diversity: A Marathon, Not A Sprint

Within the next few months, every partner, associate and staff member of Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP in the United States and London will have completed an extensive course of training on diversity. This effort marks the culmination of a pioneering commitment to diversity at Weil Gotshal that...

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"Forfeiture-For-Competition" Agreements

It is frequently the case that employers design executive compensation arrangements providing for the payment of certain benefits only if the executive does not go to work for a competitor after termination of employment. If the former executive decides to work for a competitor, the employee...

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