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With Trial Skills Training, Younger Law Firm Lawyers Provide Clients With Greater Value

Editor: What brought about the interest in teaching trial skills and the development of the Weil Gotshal trial skills training program (Weil Training Model)? Gruenberger: Training has always been important for me as a Weil Gotshal partner because the world as it becomes smaller is becoming more...

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Hangarter v. The Paul Revere Life Ins. Co.: Will The Northern District Of California's Decision Allow CAFA's State Action Exception To Swallow The Rule?

Since the Class Action Fairness Act ("CAFA") became effective on February 18, 2005, more than twenty insurance companies have removed class action lawsuits to federal court under CAFA's jurisdictional provisions, and many of these companies have successfully defeated attempts to have cases remanded...

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Antitrust In Distribution - Tying, Bundling And Loyalty Discounts, Resale Pricing Restraints, Price Discrimination - Part II

Editor's Note: This panel captures some of the high points of presentations of the interviewees at a seminar held on March 2 as part of an Antitrust Seminar Series sponsored by Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP. Part I of these interviews (including Mr. Weinschel's comments on tying, bundling and...

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Antitrust In Distribution - Tying, Bundling and Loyalty Discounts, Resale Pricing Restraints, Price Discrimination - Part I

Editor: Alan, please describe the elements of a per se "tying" violation under the Sherman Act. Weinschel: The first element is that there must be two separate products. The second element is proof that there was a forced sale, i.e., the sale of one product is conditioned on the purchaser also...

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Diversity: The Next Generation

Editor: Last year for our Diversity Issue we interviewed Lisa Cuevas, newly appointed Global Director of Diversity. Lisa gave our readers an excellent overview of Weil Gotshal's dedication to diversity as its credo. As Chairman of the Diversity Committee at the firm, how do you interface with Lisa...

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Private Equity The Brave New World Of Private Equity And Hedge Funds

Editor: Please tell our readers about your practice. Tabak: We have a global private equity practice at Weil Gotshal with over 200 lawyers in many of our 20 offices around the world. Our business strategy continues to be representing sponsors when they form funds and, then subsequently doing the...

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UK - Law Firms The Essential Role Of London In A European Law Firm Network

Editor: Please tell our readers about your educational background and how you came to qualify to practice in both the U.S. and Great Britain? Ginsburg: I attended the University of Texas at Austin and earned a Bachelors Degree in marketing. After graduation I was involved in a family business...

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