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An Outside Counsel Draws Upon His In-House Experience

Editor: Please describe your background. Dinkoff: I have been practicing law for 30 years, 17 of which I spent doing general commercial litigation, regulatory enforcement work, securities and commodities litigation - 13 years at the law firm Baer, Marks & Upham, LLP and four years as Deputy...

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Senator Dodd Introduces Financial Stability Bill Calling For SEC Proxy Access Authority And Other Governance And Executive Compensation Reforms

On March 15, 2010, Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, introduced his long-awaited reform bill - The Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (the "Dodd Bill").1 As modified from the discussion draft he introduced in November 2009, the Dodd Bill's...

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Fix E-Discovery: Speak Out About The Facts

David Lender is co-chair of the firm's 160-lawyer Complex Commercial Litigation practice and a member of the firm's 15-person Management Committee. He specializes in complex commercial litigation, with particular emphasis on patent and intellectual property law. Over the past several years, he has...

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What Is The State Of Climate Change Legislation In Congress Today?

Editor: Please tell our readers about what prompted you to become an environmental lawyer. Connolly: I became an environmental lawyer initially by chance. When I came to work at Weil, I thoroughly enjoyed the people that ran the environmental practice in the Washington office, and I liked the...

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New Rules: SEC Approves Enhanced Compensation & Governance Disclosures For 2010 Proxy Season - Part II

Part I of this article relating to Expansion of Disclosure Requirements Related To Governance appeared in the February issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. On December 16 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission approved a measure that expands required disclosures in the areas of...

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Locking Up The Public Deal: Seeking Certainty In Uncertain Times

When a buyer signs up a deal to acquire a public company, the buyer wants as much certainty as possible that the deal will close on the terms negotiated. One of the best ways to enhance this "certainty of closing" is to obtain commitments (known as lock-up agreements) from large shareholders of...

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Weil Gotshal's Boston Office:Close Communication And Nimble Solutions Mean Effective Partnerships With Clients

Editor: Please tell our readers about the nature of your practice. French: My practice primarily focuses on M&A and private equity, which covers a broad spectrum of transactions. I regularly represent sellers of businesses, either in proprietary deals or through auctions. I also represent...

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