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The Ascertainability Requirement For Class Certification: Origins And Applications

Class certification is a watershed moment in high-stakes class action litigation.  For defendants, class certification can represent the difference between being forced to proceed with a “bet the company” trial or to negotiate a settlement with little leverage, on the one hand,...

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Labor & Employment

EEOC: Using Arrest And Convictions Records In Hiring

Editor: The EEOC has just issued an updated Guidance with respect to the use of arrest and convictions records in hiring. Why has it done so? Friedman: The EEOC had not significantly addressed the issue of the use of arrest and convictions in hiring since 1990. One reason they issued the...

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Intellectual Property

The New World Of Patent Litigation Under The America Invents Act

Editor: Please tell our readers about your patent litigation practice at Weil Gotshal. Bobrow: Our patent litigation practice is a national practice comprising about 60 lawyers, many of whom have technical backgrounds, and all of whom devote all of their time to patent litigation and counseling...

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FCPA: Compliance And Enforcement Insights

Editor: Please tell us about your experience with the Department of Justice and how it prepared you for your present assignment at Weil. Tyrrell: I joined Weil in February 2010 as the co-chair of our White Collar Defense and Investigations Group. Prior to that, I served with the Department of...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

An International Arbitration Practice That Spans The Globe

Editor: Please tell our readers about your distinguished background and your practice. Ali: I am originally from Bangladesh, grew up in Southeast Asia and North Africa, went to high school in London and then attended college and law school in New York. I come from a family of lawyers, so...

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Corporate Counsel

Training Programs Provide Hands-On Experience For Young Lawyers And Benefit Attorneys At All Levels

Editor: Please tell us about your professional experience. Pines: I am a partner in the complex commercial litigation group within the Litigation Department, and I’ve been at Weil since 1992, making this my 20th year. I have chaired the litigation training program for several years, and I...

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Real Estate

Some Green Shoots In The Real Estate Market

Editor: Mr. Rosen, please tell our readers about your career at Weil Gotshal and your role as co-chair of the firm’s real estate practice, the global infrastructure practice and the hospitality and gaming practice. Rosen: I have been at Weil Gotshal 29 years after graduating from law...

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