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The Rewards Of Public Sector Experience

Editor: You have had a tremendously active and impressive career. Would you share some of the highlights with our readers? Zaro: I am not any different than others who wear a number of hats; hopefully, you have one or two highlights in each experience. The practice of law is my principal...

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New Jersey Supreme Court: Refusal To Renew Contract Of Employee Over The Age Of 70 On The Basis Of Age Is Discriminatory

On June 1, 2010, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that the over-70 exception in the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (the "LAD"), which allows employers to refuse to accept for employment employees over the age of seventy, does not permit employers to refuse to renew employment contracts...

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The Duke Conference And E-Discovery Solutions - A Panelist's Perspective

Mr. Greenbaum is a leader in the ABA Section of Litigation and the Association of the Federal Bar of New Jersey, where he served as President. In the ABA Section of Litigation, he is an elected Section Officer, member of the Section's Executive Committee and governing Council and was its Liaison to...

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Pending Cases In The U.S. Tax Court To Test IRS Transferee Liability Position On "Midco" Transactions

Beginning in the late 1990s, after a period in which it had focused on being more "customer oriented" while audit rates dropped radically, IRS woke up to the fact that major legal and accounting firms were marketing various tax savings strategies to taxpayers and earning substantial fees for their...

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Negotiating Away The Fears

Editor's Note:This article is an edited excerpt from Hear With Your Heart: Mastering the Art and Skill of Listening. Learning concepts and principles to become a better negotiator is not enough. When I was a young attorney, I had to drive about an hour to attend a negotiation that was going...

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The Costly Impact Of E-Discovery

Editor: We're coming up on the first anniversary of the Final Report of the joint project of the American College of Trial Lawyers and the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System that was issued March 11th of last year. The survey that was conducted in connection with it...

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The Impact Of Human Factors Experts In Medical Device Litigation

Human factors is "the study of the interrelationships between humans, the tools they use, and the environment in which they live and work." Linda T. Kohn, To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System 63 (National Academy Press 2000) (emphasis omitted). The goal of the human factors professional...

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