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Fast Take: Privilege, Another Scenario

Privilege logs, which generally list the authors and recipients of withheld communications, are frequently cited in challenges to a corporation’s privilege claims when they show that no lawyer sent or received a withheld document. Corporations normally win those disputes by showing that...

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Riding Into a Fully Autonomous Future: The rise of self-driving cars will mean changes to the workforce, existing laws and society at large

The advent of self-driving cars brings with it a lot of questions, from what it means for the American workforce to how the technology will reshape our very cities themselves. Fortunately, attorneys like Michael Drobac and Elliot Katz, who specialize in emerging technologies and automated vehicles...

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Talkative Clients Are Good Clients: In a changing industry like FinTech, developers need to seek their lawyers’ guidance

Alexandra Villarreal O’Rourke and David Reidy co-chair the FinTech practice group at McGuireWoods, and even a short conversation with them would tip you off that there’s a lot going on in that sector. And as it turns out, they are big believers in conversation. One of their favorite...

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Giving General Counsel Pricing Predictability: How one firm is honing a process and proprietary technology to deliver accurate estimates

A. Carter Arey is a senior counsel at McGuireWoods who co-leads the firm’s ClientSync team. Her focus is on legal project management (LPM), which is designed to help the lawyers deliver what their corporate clients want: quality legal services, pricing and predictability that they can...

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FCPA Enforcement Is Here to Stay, Particularly Where Real Criminal Intent Is Apparent

With the DOJ's renewal of the FCPA’s self-disclosure pilot program in March comes many questions, the most common being: what does the indefinite extension mean for the FCPA enforcement overall? McGuireWoods partner Alex Brackett, whose practice focuses...

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Cybersecurity One Step at a Time: The important thing for lawyers is not to get overwhelmed by the complexity

Corporate counsel and their clients, while beginning to appreciate the gravity of cybersecurity challenges, are fatigued by perpetual cybersecurity alarms. McGuireWoods partner Michael J. Adams, who had more than 20 years of experience as a national security adviser in the U.S. Navy, now serves as...

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Hot Topics Facing the Food and Beverage Industry: A smorgasbord of questions looms

Even before last year’s election, there were some large uncertainties hovering over the future of the food and beverage industry. As it has in so many areas, the surprise election results simultaneously expanded and sharpened the questions. MCC asked four McGuireWoods lawyers with special...

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