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Courts Assess Protection for Lawyers’ Billing Entries: Part I

Winning litigation parties sometimes seek recovery of the money they spent on their lawyers — either as a damage element or under a fee-shifting legal doctrine or contract provision.

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Minnesota Recognizes the Common Interest Doctrine

Under the common interest doctrine, separately represented clients can avoid the normal waiver implications of sharing privileged communications by entering into a contractual arrangement.

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Musk-Twitter Feud Privilege Fallout: Part II

Last week's Privilege Point described a Delaware court's acknowledgment that the normal In re Asia Global Crossing, Ltd., 322 B.R. 247, 257 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2005), standard does not apply to the world's wealthiest man. Four days later, Musk lost a privilege issue, under standard privilege log doctrine.

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Musk-Twitter Feud Privilege Fallout: Part I

Not surprisingly, the Musk-Twitter fast-track Delaware case generated privilege issues. One predictably recognized Musk's unique role in his varied revolutionary enterprises.

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How Does the Common Interest Doctrine Work in the Intellectual Property Context?

Two recent intellectual property cases highlight courts' widely varying approaches to the common interest doctrine protection.

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Defendant’s Sloppy Language and Log Doom Work Product Claim

Litigants asserting work product protection must (if called upon to do so) identify the exact moment when they first anticipated litigation, and consistently apply that date when withholding and logging documents.

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Courts Address Work Product Protection for Non-Testifying Consulting Experts: Part II

Last week's Privilege Point summarized a case confirming non-testifying experts' general immunity from discovery — absent "exceptional circumstances" such as destructive testing. Ten days later, another court addressed discovery of what are called "dual hat" experts — providing both consulting advice and testimony.

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