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The Patent Trial Bar Breathes A Sigh Of Relief: In Re Seagate

I. Introduction While much has been written - and will be written - regarding the Seagate 's wholesale rewrite of the willfulness standard, this article focuses on how it made changes to the rules regarding the attorney-client privilege and work product immunity. On August 20, 2007, the United...

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The Door Opens: New Options Available To Manufacturers To Exert Increased Influence And Control Over Resale Prices

The Supreme Court's recent decision in Leegin Creative Leather Prods., Inc. v. PSKS, Inc., 1 dramatically alters the relationship between manufacturers and distributors by permitting manufacturers, under certain circumstances, to exert greater influence and control over the prices charged by...

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Federal Minimum Wage Increase Impacts Employers In Many States

The federal minimum wage has increased from $5.15 per hour to $5.85 per hour effective July 24, 2007, and will further increase to $7.25 over a period of two years. Employers whose employees are located exclusively in states with minimum wage requirements in excess of the federal minimum wage (such...

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Opinion 43 To Affect Out Of State Attorneys Seeking To Appear In Alternative Dispute Proceedings (ADR) In New Jersey

The New Jersey Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of Law ("Committee") recently revisited whether non-New Jersey licensed attorneys can appear in Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") proceedings in New Jersey. In Opinion 43, the Committee ruled that out of state attorneys who seek to practice...

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New SEC Proposals Would Greatly Streamline Capital Formation For Smaller Public Companies

The outside counsel interviewed for this Special Section discuss civil justice and litigation-relatedrecommendations designed to improve the competitiveness of U.S. capital markets and the institutions that use them. These recommendations, which were also highlighted in our May and June issues, are...

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Do Small Companies Get Short Shrift?

Editor: Please tell us about your background and practice. Hogoboom: As a corporate lawyer, I have been practicing securities and mergers and acquisitions law for about 22 years, having trained in New York City with a major Wall Street law firm doing large institutional M&A transactions and...

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A Specialized Risk: IP Coverage No Longer Available Under CGL Policies

New Jersey has several favorable pro-policyholder decisions on insurance coverage for intellectual property. These cases arise from a broad interpretation of the "advertising injury" coverage found in the standard commercial general liability (CGL) policy. As a result, many companies are confident...

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