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Good News For Patenting Joint Research Developments: The USPTO Implements The CREATE Act Of 2004

It is now easier to patent developments from joint research, thanks to recent legislation passed by Congress and interim rules from the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The legislation and rules address the problem of so-called "secret prior art" of the joint researchers. To illustrate the...

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Diversity - Law Firms Diversity: Meeting The Challenge In Today's Legal Environment

Editor: Ms. Bennett, will you tell our readers something about your career? Bennett: I am a Director at Lowenstein Sandler and Chair of the firm's Diversity Initiatives Committee. I was born and raised in the New York metropolitan area, and when I graduated from law school I joined the Newark...

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SOX And Related Reforms: Where Are We?

As we reach year-end 2004, it is appropriate to take stock (pardon the pun) of the corporate governance reform initiatives reflected in the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 and its regulatory progeny. Internal Control Much has been written and continues to be written about Section 404 of Sarbanes...

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Pro Bono Service: A Special Responsibility

Editor: Mr. Harris, would you tell us about your background and professional experience? Harris: I earned my undergraduate and masters degrees at Penn State, and my law degree is from Rutgers. I have been at Lowenstein my entire career since 1979, and at present my practice is concerned with...

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Burden For Sexual Harassment Plaintiffs To Obtain Emotional Distress Damages, Impose Individual Liability, And Have Plaintiff's Attorney's Fees Awarded

On August 9, 2004, in Tarr v. Ciasulli, the New Jersey Supreme Court released its ruling on the first case in the state to determine the meaning of "aiding and abetting" with regard to individual employee liability under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination ("NJLAD"). The Court ruled on the...

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Lowenstein Sandler PC: A Firm On The Move

Editor: Mr. Rodburg, please tell us something about your background. How did you come to Lowenstein Sandler? Rodburg: I was born and raised in New Jersey. I spent seven years in Cambridge Massachusetts, first at MIT and then at Harvard Law School. During my final year of law school I did not...

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Corporate Governance Self-Audits: Policing Yourself Before You Get Policed

More than two years after it was enacted, directors and executive officers of publicly traded companies, and their advisors, are still responding to the dramatic changes to the rules of corporate governance wrought by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the new Securities and Exchange Commission (...

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