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New Development Of PRC Social Insurance: Foreign Investors And Expatriates Beware

After being reviewed four times in three years, the Social Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “Social Insurance Law”) was finally adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of China on 28 October 2010. Its implementation rules (...

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New Legal Regime Of Representative Offices In China - Practical Implications

Early last year, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce ("SAIC") and the Ministry of Public Security ("MPS") of the People's Republic of China ("PRC") jointly issued a Circular on Further Strengthening Administration of the Registration of Resident...

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Insurance Litigation In China

Deacons' PRC Insurance Litigation practice group has recently advised on a litigation matter between a Chinese insurer and a foreign insured in respect of a claim dispute under Chinese jurisdiction. This article reviews several key issues regarding insurance litigation in Mainland China. Facts...

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Key Employment Tips For China Operations

A number of laws and regulations have been promulgated in the past few years to introduce a series of changes to the existing PRC Labour Law, among which the key legislations are the PRC Labour Contract Law effective on 1 January 2008 and its detailed implementing regulations effective on 18...

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An Update On The Opportunities For Foreign Investment In The Distribution Sector In Mainland China

China has traditionally restricted foreign investment in the retail and wholesale sectors with the aim of nurturing strong domestic players before their foreign counterparts would be allowed to enter the country. Since becoming a member of the World Trade Organisation on 11 December 2001, China...

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An Overview Of China's New Anti-monopoly Law And Its Relevance To Foreign Investors

China's Anti-monopoly Law ("AML") became effective on 1 August 2008. This new piece of legislation has attracted attention worldwide because of its potential impact on foreign investments in China. This article will outline the key activities prohibited by AML and explain how AML will affect...

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Recent CEPA Changes Make Hong Kong A More Attractive Launching Pad Into Mainland China For Foreign Investors

Introduction On 29 June 2003, the Mainland government and the Hong Kong government signed the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement ("CEPA"), which offers investors from Hong Kong a step ahead of investors from other countries to explore the Mainland market in various business sectors. In...

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