All Announcements

CobbleStone Software Releases Definitive CLM Glossary for Legal Professionals

CobbleStone Software – a recognized Leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) according to the SPARK Matrix™ Report – releases an informative glossary that covers many CLM and legal terms.

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CobbleStone Software Releases Guide on the Cost of Contract Management Software

CobbleStone Software – a recognized Leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) according to the SPARK Matrix™ Report – continues to provide readers with informational content that covers the importance of CLM in organizations.

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CobbleStone Software's VISDOM® AI Showcased by Legaltech Hub in Latest Product Briefing

CobbleStone Software – a recognized Leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) according to the SPARK Matrix™ Report – continues to lead the charge of innovation in the contract management space with its acclaimed, native contract artificial intelligence offering.

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CobbleStone Software Releases FAR and DFARS Oversight Feature Enhancement in Version 22.2.0

CobbleStone Software – a recognized Leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) according to the SPARK Matrix™ Report – continues to provide exciting and innovative tools and features to legal professionals.

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Mike Rayburn is announced as Keynote Speaker for CobbleStone Software's Contract Management Conference

CobbleStone Software – a recognized Leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) according to the SPARK Matrix™ Report – aims to have an educational and immersive conference experience in October featuring CLM sessions, networking opportunities, CobbleStone's product roadmap, and more.

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CobbleStone Software Announces Extended Early Bird Special for its User Conference

CobbleStone Software – a recognized Leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) according to the SPARK Matrix™ Report – is offering an early bird special rate for the registration fee for the user conference.

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CobbleStone Software Launches New Release Update Including Exciting Features

CobbleStone Software has recently added Obligation Tracking as a VISDOM AI® feature - their native, robust AI software.

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