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Changing Times In The World Of Document Review

In the first half of 2011, news of continued jobs creation and stock markets inching higher gave entrance to discussions of "recovery." Job growth in the first quarter exceeded 500,000 and marked the highest three-month gain in five years. As Q2 comes to an end, however, the job market...

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Your Portal to Hassle-Free ComplianceNew Kiersted Portal Improves Accountability, Reducing Corporate Risk

The Charges: Too Much Paperwork Ensuring compliance at a corporate level can leave you feeling more like a paper chaser than compliance professional. The burden of the law weighs heavily on corporate legal departments - especially with the passage of more and more policies that require strict...

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Risks And Rewards: The Wild West Of Social Media

Much like electronic discovery only a few years ago, social media has a "Wild West" feel to many lawyers due to the uncertainty of obligations, technological limitations, and legal process. As it is difficult to discern the difference between opportunity and risk in the realm of social...

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