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Social Media Landmines: The Impact On Employers

Pop Quiz You have an employee who posted a negative comment about his supervisor on Facebook calling the supervisor a “scumbag.” The employee’s comment drew several supportive responses from coworkers who all agreed that the supervisor lacked a general personality skill set....

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SEC Charges Investment Adviser In Social Media Scam, Issues Two Alerts

The SEC charged an Illinois-based investment adviser on January 4, 2012 with trying to sell fictitious securities, allegedly offering more than $500 billion of the bogus investments on various social media web sites such as LinkedIn. In the SEC’s order instituting administrative proceedings...

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Cloud Computing And Social Media: Electronic Discovery Considerations And Best Practices

Introduction Social media platforms, including applications like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, are immensely popular. According to one source, 75 percent of people aged 18 to 24 have profiles on social networking sites like Facebook, while one-third of people aged 35 to 44, and nearly twenty...

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