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Integrating Managed Review With Proven E-Discovery Capabilities

Editor: Tell us about your background and professional experience. Gibbons: I’m a litigator by training and have substantial litigation and compliance experience, both at law firms and in-house. In early 2001, Kaye Scholer engaged me to provide pretrial discovery and litigation support...

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The E-Discovery Implications Of The Cloud

The Editor presents the following summary of a whitepaper prepared by Guidance Software. This whitepaper is entitled “The E-Discovery Implications of the Cloud,” and it is co-authored by Chris Dale, Founder, E-Disclosure Information Project, and Patrick J. Burke, Senior Director and...

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Choosing The Right Hosting Platform – And E-Discovery Company – Can Accelerate Document Review And Save Money

“One of the most persistent challenges of conducting litigation in the era of digital information” is “the costs of complying with discovery requests, particularly the costs of review,” according to Where the Money Goes: Understanding Litigant Expenditures for Producing...

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