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The FCC Open Internet Order: What your company needs to know

On March 12, 2015, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) released its long-awaited 2015 Open Internet Order, which the Commission adopted on February 26, 2015, in a 3-2, party-line vote. In brief, the 2015 Open...

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Technology | Transportation

Driving Miss Connected: High-tech cars are here to stay – along with a fleet of legal issues

Editor: You recently published a paper on the “technological revolution” in the automotive industry. Give us the broad strokes on trends and what constitutes a revolution. Cahill: I’ll describe some of the facets with a few anecdotes (the paper cites quite a few statistics,...

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Drafter’s Guide to Technology Transactions

MCC: Let's start with an overview of the treatise and why you decided to write it. Malven: PLI contacted me to write a treatise on technology transactions to fill in a missing segment in their published offerings. I have a long history of relying on PLI for their practical and comprehensive...

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