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Don’t Get Shocked by Electricity Costs: Inside and outside counsel can play a vital role in managing this indispensable commodity

Electricity is the lifeblood of many companies. Whether electricity is being used to power secure databanks, melt steel, split air into its constituent parts, run paper machines, or operate compressors and blowers on HVAC equipment, no company can operate without electricity. For many companies,...

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Turning Great Strategy into Great Success: NetApp works hard at getting the hard part – such as metrics – right

My last column described how Silicon Valley’s NetApp Inc. has stepped on the accelerator in its drive to create a world-class legal department – one powered by smart technology decisions, first-rate metrics and a deep commitment to satisfying its clients inside and outside the company....

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Advertising on the Cutting Edge: What you need to know about the FTC, native advertising and social media

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently has taken steps through enforcement actions to shine a bright light on the differences between advertising and endorsement, on the one hand, and unsolicited and impartial consumer response, on the other, in across various forms of social media, including...

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