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Stormwater Regulation and Fees Will Impact Businesses and Development

Businesses and developers must remain vigilant in tracking proposed local regulation of stormwater.

Municipalities throughout Pennsylvania are in the process of implementing local stormwater ordinances and fees that will likely impact land development. Recent changes to federal and state laws have...

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Real Estate

Civil Justice Playbook: Corporate America Loses a (Sometimes) Champion in Scalia

When we heard of the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, our first instinct was to reach out to the Washington Legal Foundation, a public-interest law firm and policy outfit that focuses on “free enterprise” issues on the radar of our in-house readers. The WLF is engaged in many of these...

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Real Estate

Foreign Investors Need a Roadmap as They Flock to New York Real Estate

The continuing real estate boom has made New York City a magnet for foreign investors. The city’s real estate market has recovered faster than expected from the 2008 financial crisis and is performing better than ever. With high returns available, it’s no surprise that foreign capital...

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