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An Interview With Barry Liss, Co-Leader Of The Gibbons Healthcare Practice

Editor: Why is it important for law firms to develop their healthcare practices at this point in time? Liss: Healthcare expenditures will soon account for close to 20 percent of GDP. The government, private sector and consumers are all faced with these dramatically increasing expenditures on a...

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Federal Court Explains Denial Of Motion To Dismiss In "Most Favored Nations" Clause Decision

On August 12, 2011, the District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan issued its long-awaited opinion in the matter United States, et al. v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan ,1denying Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan's (BCBS) motion to dismiss in its entirety, mooting a request to...

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Healthcare | Life Sciences

Six Important Strategies To Reduce The Royalty Burden For A Pharmaceutical Product

A biotech or pharmaceutical company will often need to in-license certain inventions in order to develop and commercialize its products. The company will most likely be required to pay to its licensor a royalty based on sales of its products (licensed products) that exploit the licensed...

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