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Facts You Should Know About The Affordable Care Act

Editor: Please describe the key ACA requirements that are now in effect. Napoli: Most of the coverage mandates under ACA are in place. A few examples are the mandates requiring no lifetime dollar limits on essential health benefits; minimum annual limits on the dollar value of essential health...

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Rolling Out The Affordable Care Act

Editor: Please describe your background as Health Care Counsel in the IRS Office of Chief Counsel where you had a key role in developing and advising on the Affordable Care Act. Livingston: I spent ten years as an executive in the IRS Office of Chief Counsel, the last three of which were...

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Healthcare Reform For Employers 101: What Needs To Be Done Now

Although implementation of the first wave of reforms enacted under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (“ACA”) has been underway for several years, employers should prepare now for the second wave of ACA’s reforms – including the “employer mandate...

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