

More Matters, Less Budget: How Today’s General Counsel Are Handling the Eternal In-House Problem


1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET

Event Details

According to research from the Thomson Reuters Institute, 84 percent of legal departments consider controlling costs a top priority – the highest that’s ever been. At the same time, two-thirds report flat or decreasing budgets and 79 percent report a growing number of matters. On top of that, outside counsel rates have been increasing annually by double digits since the pandemic. So what can General Counsel do to square that circle, and deliver the legal expertise the business needs at a price it’s willing to pay?

In this webcast, several General Counsel will talk about the cost control issues they’ve seen and the strategies they’ve used to solve them.

Join us to learn:

  • What other departments are doing to get a handle on costs
  • How they’re critically evaluating new and current tools
  • What it means when budgets are flat but legal tech spend needs to go up
  • How the delivery and pricing of legal services may change with genAI adoption
  • And more!

This webcast was originally broadcast on Nov. 12, 2024.


  • Kevin Armstrong, Advisor and Board Director, NeuroColor LLC
  • Derek Goodman, Former General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Koch Companies
  • Moderator: William Josten, Legal Marketplace Innovations Strategist, Thomson Reuters Institute


1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET