
Law Technology Digest

You can't handle the truth! - Law Technology Digest

I have fought for work from home to attract and keep key people in various organizations. I have worked from home with my own consulting practice. All-in-all work from home is an interesting concept. It is a broad spectrum of theoretical and applied ideas. I was shocked when so many firms early on in the pandemic announced they were going to give up 35-50% of their physical space. I believe I'm on the record for saying that I thought it would take several years to determine whether or not it was as good as people were thinking. The pendulum has swung from everyone out to everyone back in. Stephen Embry highlights and comments on a podcast, Why There Will Never Be a One-Size-Fits-All Solution to the Remote Work Conundrum, which highlights the opinions of Ira Coleman, chairman of McDermott Will & Emery. It's an interesting post, but Stephen focuses on the concept of "performs better." Missing I think is the cultural concept of "promotes better." Read more at TechLaw Crossroads: Remote Work: Lawyers Can't Handle the Truth

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