
Law Technology Digest

The third space is available for you now - Law Technology Digest

This has got to be either - a generational thing; an iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, poured, not shaken thing; or a cultural thing. I can't image any "third space" place here that I would want to work at, let alone actually get work done there. But according to research from the Business School, University of London and Goldsmiths this is real. The research identifies four different types of third space users:

  1. Device Disconnectors - Where people "visit third places as a respite from technology" But if you have to take your laptop or tablet with you to work, how is this a respite? I mean do these people take a bankers box of papers with them?
  2. Caffeine Creatives - Where people "use the new surroundings for a mental reset to boost their creativity." This one I get some, especially if your work is more creative and artistic in nature. But after the recharge, wouldn't you return to a place that's equipped properly for you to execute your new visions?
  3. Suburban Socialites - Where people "visit third places to combat loneliness while working from home with frequent, short visits." I guess I'm simply not extroverted enough to desire this and when I work from home, there are always people and dogs here to combat loneliness.
  4. Lunchtime Liaisons - Where people "use third places for regular meetings with clients or colleagues, often over a meal." I guess I'd have to say I've done this, met with vendors for lunch - but I don't think of this as "work work" if that makes sense? When I meet my team for lunch, its usually as a thank you and I try to avoid any sort of work.

The author ends with "In the busy urban setting, workers can find an identity they cannot find in an empty office or dull home workspace." Well there is part of the problem. My office is not empty and my home workspace is far from dull! But seriously, if you are a third space kinda person, please drop me a note and educate me as to the whys! Read more at REAL KM: Is 2023 the year of "third space" working?

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