
Law Technology Digest

The future of AI - Law Technology Digest

I am trying to decide if this is simply a labeling issue, or an oblique attempt at trying to create a negative bias (or maybe a combination of the two!). There is already a fight of sorts over what we can and cannot call 'meat'. There seems to be a similar word war brewing over what can and cannot be called 'milk'. We know in some courts we've had a reaction to the use of generative AI by requiring additional labeling and additional attestations that it has been reviewed in full. Now it seems that the New York State Assembly wants to label books that have been created in whole, or in part, by generative AI. "Requires online sellers of books created wholly or partially with the use of generative artificial intelligence to disclose such use of generative artificial intelligence before the completion of such sale; applies to all printed and digital books consisting of text, pictures, audio, puzzles, games or any combination thereof." Amazon has new policies limiting the number of books Kindle authors can publish daily, the inference being that the AI generated stuff is crap. Maybe we need to add AI-usage label to lawyers, kind of like bar admissions? Tip your hat to Stephen Abram as you read more at info DOCKET from Gary Price: New Bill in New York State Assembly: re: Sale of Books Created with Generative A

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