
Law Technology Digest

Maybe. But probably not.

Jeff Brandt, Editor of PinHawk's Law Technology Digest Newsletter, discusses on Ryan McClead's liking of genAI tools and how he uses it in his everyday life especially with his clients.

Ryan McClead likes genAI tools. He writes, "I use it daily. I use it in solutions for my clients. It takes tedious tasks of text transformation and turns them into simple push button experiences." What I like about Ryan's post is he keeps it real with both the good and the bad of the argument. "But, you might say, 'I can ask GenAI to reason and it often gets the right answer. And its reasoning ability gets better with every new version. So eventually, it will be a fully reasoning machine intelligence.' Maybe. But probably not." For a balanced post on genAI, be sure to read more at 3 Geeks And A Law Blog: GenAI & the Magical Sort Button

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