
Legal Tech

Legal Tech Startup Spotlight: Litera

Spotlight on: Litera

Description: Developer of workflow, collaboration and data management software designed to increase document productivity. The company's smart software, powered by artificial intelligence is designed to offer services around the document lifecycle, including drafting, proofreading, comparing, repairing and cleaning documents for the legal and life sciences industry, enabling law firms and legal departments to generate, review and distribute content quickly and securely, from any device while helping satisfy the complex demands of their clients and regulators.

Most Recent Financing Status (as of 18-May-2022)
The company received an undisclosed amount of debt financing in the form of a senior loan from Golub Capital on January 14, 2022. Owl Rock Capital Corporation BDC provided a term loan in support of the transaction. The funds will be used to support future acquisitions

CEO: Sheryl Hoskins

HQ Location: Chicago, IL

Employees: 850

Total Raised to Date: $133.11M

Post Valuation: $425.00M

Growth Rate: 1.08% (97th percentile)

Institutional Investors:

  • HG Capital (UK)
  • Owl Rock Capital Corporation BDC
  • Golub Capital

To learn more about Litera, visit their website or follow them on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Source: Pitchbook, August 2022

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