
Law Technology Digest

Information burden - Law Technology Digest

My job as a PinHawk editor is to help reduce your information overload. It's also part of my day job at my law firm. So this post by LK Klein, Emily Earl, and Dorian Cundick attracted my attention. Some key passages from the post: "Gartner surveyed nearly 1000 employees and managers - and found that 38% of employees say they receive an 'excessive' volume of communications at their organization" Information burden is the bigger issue, "Information volume, as it turns out, is only a partial driver of information overload. Rather, the real culprit is the information itself - and specifically the degree to which the accessing and interpreting of the information imposes extra 'work' on its recipient." "The stakes are clearly high: An inability to get control of information at your organization cuts to the heart of your ability to set and deliver on strategy. " That means you need to read more at Harvard Business Review: Reducing Information Overload in Your Organization

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