
TBT Webcast: What In-House Legal Teams Need to Know About Preventing, Detecting and Responding to Data Breaches

When a breach is suspected every second counts. Watch this #ThrowbackThursday webinar to hear from a panel of experts on how to take a proactive approach to uncover threats before they do damage. Learn the importance of being able to quickly identify and secure sensitive, critical business information across your environment. Discover how to rapidly respond to breaches and reduce unnecessary downtime, and recover to a trusted state, while harnessing the power of machine learning for efficient data breach analysis. The panel will also provide key insights on how to reduce exposure and prevent a repeat attack.

Key takeaways:

  • Review the incident response lifecycle and how legal teams can reduce their risk
  • Walkthrough the process of designing and implementing an incident response playbook
  • Discuss best practices for data breach investigations
  • Find out how to conduct a post-breach investigation and analysis

Questions that will be addressed:

  • What is a breach? Difference between a breach and data loss.
  • What triggers the duty to report a breach?
  • What actions to take within the first 48 hours?
  • What to know about Cyber insurance?

Watch this webcast HERE!

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