Webcast Wednesday: Transforming Information Governance Through Best Practices & Leveraging Technology

With the estimated volume of data within organizations expected to reach 181 zettabytes (i.e., 181 trillion! gigabytes) by next year, organizations are more challenged than ever to ensure data security, integrity, quality and compliance at the level needed to support downstream functions like discovery. Technology can help, but are you focused on the right technology, and is that technology positioned to leverage a sound program for governing your data?

On this webcast, an expert-led panel will discuss best practices for developing and implementing a robust information governance program which leverages cutting-edge technology to address today’s Big Data challenges.


  • The Importance of Information Governance and How It Can Help Your Organization
  • How To Get Started With an IG Program
  • Information Governance’s Role as Part of a Mature Legal Operations Function
  • The Organizational Benefits of Using The Right Technology For Its Data
  • How We Use Indexing-In-Place to Maximize Results

Watch the Webcast Here

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