Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary, Quotes From MCC Readers

“DuPont and I personally are deeply indebted to you for your tireless efforts to advance diversity and inclusion in our profession through your publication. Beyond this critical endeavor, MCC has been an incredibly valuable source of information regarding significant trends and developments in the law. So I extend to you a heartfelt thanks and congratulations.” Tom Sager

“Three things I look for in your magazine: Concisely presented, hottest topics/issues for in-house lawyers; ID of experts in such areas; Seminars/CLE opptys (for learning and networking).”

“For me, MCC is most useful on a late Friday afternoon when an issue arises that I have never had before. I have used MCC to find the right person quickly and they have always been helpful answering my call out of the blue.”

“At [my company], I and two other in house lawyers read this publication. I find it to be useful as it covers a number of discrete topics in short space and provides an overview which is very helpful for lawyers who deal with a variety of legal topics as we do here with a small legal team and a global business.”

“I cannot think of any ways to significantly improve your excellent publication, which I have been receiving for many years. The most important aspect of your publication to me is providing information about business, commercial and corporate law developments.”

“Read every issue. Very informative. Thanks.”

“… as a Compliance Officer I really appreciate your coverage of compliance and healthcare. They are the first topics I look for. All your articles are readable and interesting. It’s nice to be able to find out what is new and perhaps a different approach to something without calling another attorney or reading a text book.”

“The content of the publication is outstanding.”

“Very much value the articles you publish in MCC, and looking forward to continuing the subscription.”

“It is easy for me to admit, you run a top rate journal and are up to date, and current on trends.”

“I enjoy how quickly I feel more up to date after looking at your publication and getting info on what is considered important right now. You help many attorneys and directors by giving them a ‘heads up’ as to problems they may not be aware of or are not handling as well as they should.”

“I regularly read the ACC Docket, Corporate Counsel Magazine, and several other periodicals. Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (MCC) is the only publication that I read cover to cover. MCC is timely and achieves the perfect balance of legal/technical sophistication and readability. I am always pleased when it arrives.”

“I enjoy the MCC as it has very practical articles and news discussion that is relevant to my company and the issues we confront.”

“I have always thought that Metropolitan Corporate Counsel is a great publication and I cannot really think of ways to improve it. I like the timeliness of the articles as well as the very helpful pieces authored by significant law firms. MCC is also a great source of ‘news about people"’ and has helped me to stay in touch with what my colleagues in the industry are doing.”

“Over the years I have appreciated MCC’s focus on best practices as well as its profiles of local leaders. Each issue highlights topics that are relevant and timely.”

“I enjoy the articles because they are practical. In-house counsel need practical information - not theoretical.”

“The best accolade I can provide is to tell you that in each issue I find 1-4 articles that I underline, tear out and save.”

“I receive many different legal journals and I am most impressed with the MCC. It has the right amount of high-level analysis and depth, and focus on trends. The other part that I particularly like is that there is an emphasis on international issues that hits the intersection between US and International law in a way that is useful to me as International General Counsel. I also appreciate the focus on ADR and a balanced view of arbitration issues.”

“I enjoy in depth articles from leading firms discussing new legislation and cutting edge issues (such as e-discovery).”

“I like it very much! The articles are current and informative.”

“I commend you on a great publication. I receive many magazines and other periodicals written for corporate counsel, but MCC stands above as a publication that consistently provides useful information for my company. I regularly read the substantive updates provided by law firms and other partners.”

“I really like the publication. I enjoy reading about the success of those who work hard to excel in their respective practice areas. I also appreciate the cases analyses. The writers manage to translate unwieldy court rulings into understandable and useable arguments.”

The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel is a great product. I read it religiously!”

“Sometimes it takes me a few weeks, but I always read MCC cover to cover, because I can count on finding one or two articles that are timely and useful in my contract attorney practice or pro bono work.”

“I enjoy reading your publication. The substantive articles are generally informative and well-written. I particularly enjoy reading those with practical guidance for in house counsel.”

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